Published onJuly 16, 2023The Art of BullshittingblogwritingsocialWhat can I say... bullshitting is an art form?
Published onMay 16, 2023Conclusion and Future directionspnoi-phoneiiscspire-labresearch-projectExisting studies on breath sound signals and inferences.
Published onMay 15, 2023Results and Analysispnoi-phoneiiscspire-labresearch-projectExisting studies on breath sound signals and inferences.
Published onMay 14, 2023Data and Methodologypnoi-phoneiiscspire-labresearch-projectExisting studies on breath sound signals and inferences.
Published onMay 13, 2023Literature Reviewpnoi-phoneiiscspire-labresearch-projectExisting studies on breath sound signals and inferences.